Our class economy is run by Miss King and the class.
Everyone has their role my role is as a student marker along with Elissa,Eden and Jaimie.
We mark the twice weekly grammar sheets which are designed to enhance our writing.
There are three tiers of weekly salary pay for the once weekly jobs like class librarians they get $190 a week,while the people with varied amount of workload like the substitute workers and the student markers get $200 as they're weekly salary and are in tier 2 and the people who work nearly every day like the bankers get $210 a week and are in tier 1.
We have to pay rent once a week of $250 .But the people who don't think they have enough can do extra things to get extra money like:doing a tidy kiwi rubbish pick up for $20,getting 100% on their spelling test will earn them $25 and they could also do a reading log for $15.
Also every week for people who do academies they get $10 a week for each academy.
The way I want to get money is by getting 100% on my spelling getting $20 a week for the academies i participate in and also handing in my weekly essay on time.
I think the class economy is a great way to learn more about how to handle money and learning how to save.
By Sydney-May
Room Two's Class Economy
In Room 2 we have a new system of keeping the class running. Each and everyone of us has a role to play. My role (or job) is to be a Student Marker, so i need to mark tests and some work sheets. Each job has a rank, of how important it is.
Number ones get $210 (most important), number twos get $200 and number threes get $190. Once we get payed we write our amount in our bank books then the people with the job as Bankers bank our money.
But at the end of the week we need to pay a $250 rent for for sitting our chairs. Though if you don't sit on your chair for the week you don't have to and can save up to buy your chair for $750 (three times the prize of the rent).
Here is what to do to earn more money
100% basic facts = $35
100% Spelling = $25
'That's Tops' = $25
Weekly Essay = $20
Tidy Kiwi duty = $20
Reading log = $15
Blog = $15
Early bird $5
Mistake Spotter = $5
Academy = $10
In our classroom we have an economy, we pay rent, have jobs, get fined and get bonuses. The way it works is we have a banker at each table who collects and keeps track f our money which we also have a book each that we write that in. Then we have Malin who pays us our rent and gives out our bonuses. Each week we get paid either 210, 200 or 190 dollars, which then put into the bank. Ten at the end of the week we pay rent for sitting on our chairs which costs 250 dollars. We can buy our chairs for 750 dollars, but that would mean alot of extra work and saving up.
To get more money, we can pick up a bag of rubbish which gets us $10, we can get started on our work early and get a early bird bonus which gets $5. We can do our weekly essay for $15, if we get 100% on basic facts we get $35 and for 100% on a spelling test we get $25. Also we can
do a reading log for $15. We can get fined for breaching the rules of our class or school treaty, Or for leaving the class to go to the bathroom or to get a drink.
Thats is how our class economy works!
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